Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sign Language Translation

Language barriers are terrible, especially between those who can speak and those who cannot.  Students at Asia University have developed these Sign Language Ring Translators.  These are a set of six rings that are worn on three fingers per hand.  The rings follow the movement of the fingers of the wearer and translate them through a bracelet.  The bracelet translates the movements of the rings into spoken words so another person, who does not know sign language, can understand what the non-speaking person is saying.  The bracelet can also understand spoken word and display that speech in text so a non-hearing person may understand those who do not speak sign language.

I just think this product is so amazing, and can be put to many helpful uses.  They make me really excited for technological advancements and really wanted to share this concept.

1 comment:

  1. This device is absolutely mind boggling! I know many who would find this device invaluable. I can't imagine how expensive such a device would cost at the products launch though.
